
Phair & Ballanced, Attorneys at Law

Annoyed by satirists? Disgusted by liberals hiding behind free speech? Call Phair & Ballanced!

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

First off, we have been retained to seek an injunction against this Neal Pollack fellow. This internet ruffian seeks to mock our client, the mighty, world famous Fox Network and their Everyman / National Celebrity Bill O'Reilly. This Shall Not Stand.

Satire is a sharp-edged weapon, one that criminals such as Al Franken and Pollack would hold to the throat of selfless heroes like Roger Ailes. Can a free and open society withstand the poison barbs of 'humor' as trafficked in by these liberal scum? What if people were allowed to ridicule any corporation they disliked? The result would be chaos. Think of the Children!

posted by z  # 11:12 AM


08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003  

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